5 Things I Do for Mom "Me Time"

Last week when my son got his first cold, I was so worried which is overdramatic, I know. But as a first time Mom, I was nervous about it turning into something else, especially with the crazy flu this year and it was hard to watch him struggle to breathe and be so uncomfortable. But then I got sick and my worries turned from, "My poor baby" into "How in the WORLD am I going to take care of the both of us?". Let me tell you, feeling like crap and having to entertain and take care of a 7 month old is my least favorite part of being a Mom so far. It's right up there with the lack of sleep during newborn days and explosion diapers. I would have given anything to watch a Boy Meets World marathon on the couch and not move for 8 hours while my nose just runs like a faucet. Instead, I was on my hands and knees, playing peek-a-boo and singing the Hot Dog song allllll day long. As my sister-in-law always says, Mom's don't get days off so whether you like it or not, and no matter how scratchy your throat is, the show must go on.


I fully believe that you can't sufficiently take care of someone else unless you are taking care of yourself. When we first brought Ronan home, I was eating very little because A) My appetite just wasn't there and B) I felt like there was NO time to make myself a meal or even snack on a granola bar. But everyone reminded me, I was the sole source of food for him and in order to feed him, it was imperative that I keep myself nourished. I am still my own person so just because I'm taking care of a little human doesn't mean I should completely neglect my own needs. It's like when you're on a plane and the flight attendant says to secure your mask first should anything happen. So when I was feeling particularly crappy last week and my husband demanded I lay down while he did our food/book/bath routine, I gave in and let him. It's very hard for me to sit back and watch but it's so important to take help when it's offered.

On a similar note of doing things for myself, I have been trying my hardest to find little bits of "me time" here and there every week. It's certainly more challenging to do the things I used to do on a regular basis...stop at the gym after work, hit a 7:00 hot yoga class or even run basic errands. But with a little extra planning and help from the Family, it can be done. But it's not always about outings like those...Honestly, it's the little things during the week. A recent survey claimed that new mothers have on average just 17 minutes of “me time” a day. A whoooole 17 minutes!

Here's how I utilize those:

1. Reading before bed: 

I used to do this on a regular basis but then stopped when I was pregnant and right after I had the baby because I was so tired and was basically going to bed IMMEDIATELY after he did because I knew I'd be waking up again shortly. But lately, I have been trying to get at least a half hour to an hour in of reading before I sleep. It's a great way to unwind and my reading list is miles long at this point so I've got a lot of catching up to do. I recently finished Small Great Things which I definitely recommend - It's very timely for our current state of society and Jodi Picoult is a great storyteller, no matter the subject. Read this review if you're interested. What are you currently reading?

2. Getting up early to do _____: 

My husband gets up at 5:00am for work every day. He doesn't start until 8:00 so I never understood why he needed this much time and didn't want to get more sleep but he always tells me he loves having quiet time in the morning where can just relax by the fireplace and eat his breakfast in peace. I was telling him the other day that I feel like I NEVER have any time to myself so he suggested I try this method. I was skeptical but Ronan has been waking up at 5 to eat before going back to sleep for a bit so this week, I just stayed awake instead of trying to fall back asleep and I'll be honest, I got SO much done before going to work. I listened an episode of my favorite podcast, actually MADE a healthy egg breakfast (instead of throwing a frozen waffle in my purse), showered, DID MY HAIR, put the dishes away, omg, I could go on and on. It felt REALLY GOOD. Next time, maybe I'll opt for a workout in my basement - I have my sights set on BBG

3. "Self-care Sunday" (or Thursday if I want!): 

Sundays should be relaxing. Revitalizing. Inspiring. Like the veggies in your cauliflower rice, they are necessary to starting a fresh week with a bang so I like to slow it down a bit, even more so in the Winter (is it STILL Winter?), and take a few extra minutes on my self-care routine. This includes things like a long shower or hot bath (infused with Lavender - more on that next), meal prep, baking grab & go muffins for the week and the BEST part, face masks! I can't exactly pinpoint the moment I turned 90 years old but I get so excited to try new face masks, especially the peel off kind because I find some odd enjoyment in this. Lately, I have been alternating between these four:

4. Lavender everything: 

Fun fact: I was induced at midnight to start labor and my Mom arrived at the hospital PROMPTLY at 6:00am that morning. My husband and I were barely awake when she walked in wielding this lavender scent and spraying it on every inch of the room before she even said hello to us, no exaggeration. She just started spritzing everywhere as if she was trying to ward off any negative vibes that could be lurking and I will never forget that image...we seriously imitate it all the time 😂 I know she did that because she had a ton of nervous energy and it was just one of many things she did to try and help me stay calm that day. I can't say it did much to help in the moment but now, whenever I smell that particular scent, it makes me smile. I use lavender for everything - I spray it on my pillow at night, diffuse it in our bedroom, put a few drops in the shower and let it run before I get in and wash my hands with our lavender scented soap. 

5. Hot Yoga:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is my ultimate zone-out full of zen and bliss. It's always been my happy place but I feel like I need it even more now or at least in a different way. Mom's - Even if you were never interested in trying yoga before, you need it now more than ever. Erica said it best, you guys. This pretty much sums it up:

"I don’t know about you, but after a few busy days without enough sleep and my third day without a shower, I need a reminder of how good it feels to be in my body, eat healthy prana-filled foods, and well, function like a normal human (the way I functioned before I became a mom). After a well-rounded yoga practice, I am more inclined to eat healthy foods and take better care of myself for the rest of the day. It’s like I need to practice having control over my body and mind for a few minutes to remember that the way I feel is my choice—that I’m not just a victim of circumstances beyond my control and I have the power to change the things that aren’t working in my life. Yoga motivates me into action when nothing else will."

Whether you're a Mom or not, how do you unwind? 
What is your favorite way to spend 17 minutes of "me time?" 😉

Happy Friday!

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